Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Fantail Goldfish

Fantail Goldfish are community temperament fish species native from Japan and China. Fantail is a type of omnivore that can be fed commercial pellets and fish flakes. This goldfish are very popular in Japan called Ryukin but more ordinary western people call Fantail Goldfish. General characteristics of the fantail is an egg-shaped body, a high dorsal fin, a long quadruple caudal fin, and a shoulder without the hump.

About Fantail

The Fantail goldfish available in many colors ranging from yellow, orange to red and may have either metallic or nacreous scales and normal eyes. Then fantail has a double tail fins and anal separate in two halves. The fantail goldfish is sensitive to prolonged exposure to low water temperatures and should be in place at the ideal temperature is between 65 - 78F.

Fantail Goldfish