Wednesday 3 March 2010

Common goldfish

Common goldfish are no other modifications goldfish from ancestor except their color that can become red, orange/gold, white, black and yellow / lemon. They are native from China.

Common Goldfish As Pets

Common goldfish became a popular pet around the world because they are easy to breed. Common goldfish are hardier and able to live in a variety of conditions ranging from indoor aquariums to outdoor ponds because they can withstand fluctuations in water quality and temperature.


Interesting because common goldfish can recognize its owner during a certain period of time they breed. They will soon swim to the owner during feeding time. Although small goldfish would be away from human touch, but it was only until he grew up. After the common goldfish mature, they would be very comfortable with the owner

When feeding time the mature goldfish will receive more food than small goldfish. But other small goldfish are also become aggressive or competitive feeders despite the presence of larger fish. If common goldfish very enthusiastic when feeding time it is a sign that our common goldfish health.

Common Goldfish - Goldfish Care 

Common Goldfish

Common Goldfish - Goldfish Care
Common Goldfish