Sunday 15 May 2011

Goldfish Care: Caring Veiltail Goldfish

Caring Veiltail Goldfish and Feeding

Caring Veiltail Goldfish

Veiltail Goldfish
One varieties of Common Goldfish we will discuss here is Veiltail Goldfish. As we know The Veiltail Goldfish is an egg-shaped variety of goldfish. For those of you who like to keep veiltail goldfish surely because its beautiful long tail. Double tail is usually also seen hanging if the fish silently or do not swim. Beauty lies in the tail is a special characteristic of veiltail goldfish. The veiltail was developed in the United States at 1890. Veiltail is result breeding of  Japanese ryukin with a telescope eye goldfish. At the time, the new variant was known  as the Philadelphia veiltails. But Veiltails can we find in form European and Chinese veiltails variety. And they can also occur with normal or telescope-eyes. For details Veiltail goldfish information can found in this article "Veiltail Goldfish".

Preparing fish tank

The Veiltail Goldfish are not considered a good beginner fish. Though they have the ability to live at colder temperatures, its distorted swim bladder is subject to chill. The delicate fins are also subject to injury and subsequent fungal and bacterial infections. When it comes to feeding they are slow swimmers, they will not thrive well with fast competitive tank mates.

Deciding Aquarium Size

The shape and size of the goldfish aquarium is important and depends upon the number of fish you are going to keep. Goldfish need a lot of oxygen and produce a lot of waste. Keep the tank size and shape in mind when you are buying your fish. Setting up an aquarium in a manner that will keep your fish happy and healthy is the first step to successfully fish keeping.

Tank Shape: A large surface area of water will help minimize goldfish suffering from an oxygen shortage. Surface area is determined by the shape of the tank. For the same volume of water, an elongated tank offers more surface area (and oxygen) than a tall tank. In a goldfish bowl, filling the bowl to the middle offers more surface area than filling the bowl to the top. Always provide the maximum amount of surface area.

Tank size: It's best to start with a 20 - 30 gallon tank for your first goldfish and then increase the size of the tank by 10 gallons for each additional goldfish. Providing a large amount of water per fish will help dilute the amount of waste and reduce the number of water changes needed

Water rules: There is practical rule for proportion, but only for young fish. For 1 inch of fish (2.54 cm), it is needed 1 gallon of water. This rule applies only for young fish and is not adequate as they grow. Larger gold fish consume much more oxygen than young fish so maintaining this formula for growing fish will dwarf them, and can contribute to disease and even death.

Fish - size and growth: To allow for growth, either buy fewer fish than the maximum number of fish (based on the water rules above) or be prepared to get a larger tank. Larger gold fish consume much more oxygen than young fish so maintaining this formula for growing fish will stunt them, and can contribute to disease and even death


Most aquariums come with a cover that includes lighting. A cover for the tank is desirable as it reduces evaporation and though they are not prone to jumping, on occasion some gold fish will jump out. Lighting is not essential for goldfish, but does make the aquarium a nice show piece and lighting will help if you have live plants.

Filtration and Temperature

Goldfish produce a lot of waste. Good filtration, especially biological filtration, is very helpful in maintaining the water quality of the aquarium. Filtration systems remove much of the detritus, excess foods and waste. This helps keep the tank clean and maintain the general health of the goldfish.

Goldfish are a cold water fish and will do best at temperatures between 65 - 72° F (18°- 22° C) with ph 6.0 to 8.0. The Veiltail Goldfish can tolerate temperatures a few degrees above freezing, as long as the cooling drops only a few degrees a day. Keep in mind that their swim bladder is sensitive to being chilled and a quick temperature drop can kill them, so if you live in a very cold climate a heater is advisable.

Aquarium Decor and Substrate

You can add some decor, but make sure that all ornamentation is smooth with no protruding points or sharp edges. Smooth rocks or driftwood, should be used sparingly if at all. Aquarium plants would be the best choice of aquarium decor for goldfish, but unfortunately these fish are diggers. Consequently live plants may be uprooted. Artificial plants make a good substitute and silk plants are safer than plastic ones.

Provide a gravel substrate to help create a natural and comfortable environment for your fish. A medium sized gravel works best.

Feeding Veiltail Goldfish

Veiltail Goldfish is belong to omnivorous goldfish, Veiltail Goldfish will generally eat all kinds of fresh, frozen, and flake foods. To keep a good balance give them a high quality flake food everyday. To care for your Veiltail Goldfish, feed brine shrimp (either live or frozen), blood worms, Daphnia, or tubifex worms as a treat. It is usually better to feed freeze-dried foods as opposed to live foods to avoid parasites and bacterial infections that could be present in live foods.