Saturday 14 May 2011

Goldfish Care: Caring Pearlscale Goldfish

Caring Pearlscale Goldfish and Feeding

Caring Pearlscale Goldfish

Pearlscale Goldfish in Yellow Coloration
One varieties of Common Goldfish we will discuss here is Pearlscale Goldfish. For details Pearlscale goldfish information can found in this article "Pearlscale Goldfish". As we know The Pearlscale Goldfish is an egg-shaped variety of goldfish. Pearlscale body is thick, round and they can growth about up to 8 inches. The body is short not elongated and form egg-shaped body. And they has either long or short finnage. It has rows of distinct scales with raised centers and dark perimeters. A variation of the common pearlscale is the Crown Pearlscale Goldfish or Hamanishiki Crown Pearlscale, which develops a hood or head growth similar to that seen on the Oranda Goldfish.

Preparing fish tank

Pearlscale Goldfish are some of the hardier species of goldfish. They are very undemanding of water quality and temperature. However they can be easily damaged, knocking off their scales with rough handling or by sharp objects in their environment. Be careful when netting these fish, when they loose a 'pearl' scales it will only grow back as a regular scale. Some hobbyists suggest providing additional calcium in their tank may help prevent the lose of these scales, but that it is not yet documented. Setting up an aquarium in a manner that will keep your fish happy and healthy is the first step to successfully fish keeping.

Deciding Aquarium Size

The shape and size of the goldfish aquarium is important and depends upon the number of fish you are going to keep. Goldfish need a lot of oxygen and produce a lot of waste. Keep the tank size and shape in mind when you are buying your fish.

Tank Shape: It is important to give proper fish tank for your Goldfish. For imagery, choose proper goldfish tank that give more space than other. Elongated shaped tank would have more space than tall tank, you should consider this. Always fills your tank to medium limit of water will give more space and oxygen for your goldfish. Surely, much space of your tank is not only will give more oxygen, but this condition will help your water more clean longer, because it will dilute the amount of fish waste and reduce water change frequency.

Tank size: Start with a 20 - 30 gallon tank for your first goldfish is a good idea and then increase the size of the tank by 10 gallons for each additional goldfish. Providing a large amount of water per fish will help dilute the amount of waste and reduce the number of water changes needed.

Water rules: Please keep in mind when you want to buy a new aquarium or fish tank that tank shape and size is important. For proportion only, think that 1 inch of your young goldfish will need 1 gallon of water. As they are growth it will need more space than young fish. With this in mind, you will be more wisely when tailoring what proper size and how many max-numbers of fish in your new tank will give good environment for any aquarium residents.

Fish - size and growth: Refer to tank size and water rule have been described above, you have had imagery now about proper place for your fish. Your goldfish will grow and all things has to you prepare before, include fish tank. The proper environment will improve their growth. First of all, a good reason is to buy fewer fish than the maximum number of fish that can be kept into your tank, because as they grow, they will need more space than they were young, this need you prepared before to keep them at the proper tank size or get a larger tank when they grow mature. Larger gold fish consume much more oxygen than young fish, so if you forget to consider the proper tank size, the environment will dwarf them, goldfish not happy, and can contribute to disease and even death.


Most aquariums come with a cover that includes lighting. A cover for the tank is desirable as it reduces evaporation and though they are not prone to jumping, on occasion some gold fish will jump out. Lighting is not essential for goldfish, but does make the aquarium a nice show piece and lighting will help if you have live plants.

Filtration and Temperature

Goldfish produce a lot of waste. Good filtration, especially biological filtration, is very helpful in maintaining the water quality of the aquarium. Filtration systems remove much of the detritus, excess foods and waste. This helps keep the tank clean and maintain the general health of the goldfish.

Goldfish are a cold water fish and will do best at temperatures between 65 - 72° F (18°- 22° C) with ph: 6.0 to 8.0. Unlike the flat-bodied types of goldfish, the Pearlscale has a lower tolerance for pollution and cannot tolerate temperatures much below 60° F (16° C).

Aquarium Decor and Substrate

You can add some decor, but make sure that all ornamentation is smooth with no protruding points or sharp edges. Smooth rocks or driftwood, should be used sparingly if at all. Aquarium plants would be the best choice of aquarium decor for goldfish, but unfortunately these fish are diggers. Consequently live plants may be uprooted. Artificial plants make a good substitute and silk plants are safer than plastic ones.

Provide a gravel substrate to help create a natural and comfortable environment for your fish. A medium sized gravel works best.

Water Change

Maintain the water is required for keep better environment of your goldfish. We know that with best upkeep will keep your fish more long live. Get water change regularly with water change of 1/3 will keep water more clean, and reduce waste pollution? With clean environment, it will help fish healthy.

Feeding Pearlscale Goldfish

There are goldfish foods have good nutrition for your fish. The reference for proper goldfish food please read this goldfish food page. Particularly for Pearlscale Goldfish, they are omnivorous and will eat fresh or freeze-dried food. You can give flakes food for staple food. Or you can give brine shrimp (either live or frozen), blood worms, Daphnia, or tubifex-worms. Other vegetables like cucumber and lettuce are acceptable as well. It is usually better to feed soaked freeze-dried foods as opposed to live foods to avoid parasites and bacterial infections that could be present in live foods.

Because of the unusual body shape, the pearlscale is more susceptible to swim bladder disease and constipation. It is suggested that any pellets or flake food be soaked thoroughly before feeding to prevent swelling in the stomach. It has also been suggested that deshelled peas in the diet at least once a week will prevent and treat constipation.